
A 2002-2004 Cloud-Based Enterprise Software

Art Director | Web Design | UI Design | Flash Animation

Online Brand Director with MPM; Online App UI design. Digital Graphics Design.  Art Direction. Web Site Design. Interactive Flash Demos. HTML Email Campaign/ Database Programming for Web. Flash Animations for Web, PPT, and Banners Overview Brochure Product Promotions. Implemented front-end Style Guides

In collaboration with MPM, I transformed the old Cmetric website into a cutting edge tech web site. We helped the business grow from a small start-up to a large multi-million dollar tech company.

View Tour
View Animation
As our business has grown from a small start-up to a rapidly expanding company, and our communications needs have evolved, MPM has been there for us every step of the way. We have especially appreciated MPM’s ability to develop key messages, manage multiple large-scale projects, and deliver a creative solution on time and on budget. We really consider MPM as a core member of our communications team.” Vesna Swartz Telseon Executive Vice President, Marketing
Vesna Swartz
Telseon Executive Vice President, Marketing

In 2001, Telseon was a high tech Telecommunications company who provided managed gigabit connectivity through its optical network. I was the Art Director/ Web Designer in partnership with MPM-Online for their website and interactive flash components and virtual tours.

Telseon was a HUGE part of my life back in the early 2000’s. The broadband and high tech was bursting out of the box… literally breaking the bandwidth bottleneck (Telseon’s tagline.) I was brought on as the Art Director with MPM-Online to redesign their old Cmetric website and bring it into the modern age. Unfortunately, the site design was all in flash.